Wow Factor Baseball is nationally recognised as one of the top player development and college placement organizations in the country.
Wow Factor Nation started in September of 2019 and has been focused on developing and preparing youth baseball players for the College and Professional level.
Our staff consist of Ex Professional and College players and Coaches who have a passion about the game of baseball. Wow Factor Nation now has teams ranging from 7U-18U. Our Main Goal is to try and get every one of our players to play baseball at the highest level
WOW Factor consists of two entities:
1.) Training & development
2.) Exposure & showcases
First entity is training & development, training should begin at 7u. Players should have their fundamentals developed by 13u. This stage focuses on teaching players proper movement patterns and techniques at a young age, so the fundamentals will be second nature as they enter into high school baseball. A good, positive work ethic and accountability are also taught during the training and development stage. WOW Factor Nation believes hard work can over power talent, when talent fails to work hard. During the training and development phase, Our coaches works with the players on the importance of consistency and goal setting. The player’s numbers and progression will be tracked to allow them the opportunity to understand hard work pays off.
The second entity is showcase & exposure. This phase typically starts when a WOW Factor Nation player enters 8th grade (14u and older). College scouts start early, so WOW Factor Nation does as well! College programs are offering scholarships to players as early as the 8th grade. WOW Factor showcases and lessons give players exposure to college coaches and professional scouts. When it comes to college scholarships and professional commitments in baseball, it’s a numbers game. If your numbers are WOWING college coaches and scouts, then your chances of playing a higher level of baseball increase.
As you enter WOW Factor, you will find Evin’s motto:
Training Isn’t For Everyone, Neither Is Playing Time” posted on the walls.
Evin created Wow Factor Nation with his endless hard work and dedication to his passion for helping athletes play their highest level of baseball. None of his success, on or off the field, would have been possible without his consistent training and dedication to the sport of baseball. Evin feels it is his mission to instill that same work ethic and dedication in his players.